Friday, June 26, 2015

Are you threatening me?!!

I tend to think in blog posts (back in the day I would have said "journal entries") and I feel compelled to share this one with you.

If you live in California, you may (hopefully) be aware of, Senate Bill 277: a piece of legislation that has been stomping through the various steps of government on its way toward becoming a law.

SB 277's stated intent is to remove the personal and religious beliefs exemptions to mandatory vaccinations required for attending school. However, it is way more insidious than that, it essentially removes the right of parents to make informed choices for their own childrens' health. If SB 277 becomes law, you will be required to vaccinate your child with every vaccination that the state deems necessary. Even if you choose to opt out of only one vaccination, you would no longer have that parental right - unless you are willing to be forced to pull them out of school and educate them at home.

I have been a mother for 20 years and I take my job seriously. Over the course of the first five years or so of my eldest's life, my husband and I began to seriously educate ourselves about vaccines. After much research (have you ever read a vaccine insert? You should!) we decided to discontinue vaccinations with him and opt out of them altogether for our subsequent children.
As a result of this decision, we have been in numerous "discussions" with others over our choice. These discussions have served to cause us to do further research, which persistently cements our decision. The more informed we become, the more we are convinced that we must not expose our children to these toxins! Now, this is our choice, you must also make informed decisions for your own children, just make sure they really are informed.

SB 277 seeks to remove the personal beliefs AND religious exemptions. So, sorry, Jewish folks, you MUST vaccinate your kids with vaccines that contain porcine cells. Christians, you have a religious objection to abortion? Sorry, you must vaccinate your kids with vaccines that contain aborted fetal cells. PETA folks, sorry but you must vaccinate your kids with vaccines that contain bovine, porcine, canine, and monkey cells.

SB 277 is about SO much more than mandatory vaccination, it is about yet another usurping of our God-given parental right to care for our own children. This is a rights issue people! Even if you are on-board 100% with vaccinating your kids, do you want the government telling you that you must?! What if they include Gardasil in the list of mandatory vaccinations? Do you trust this government to truly have your kids' interest at heart and make wise, responsible choices for them?
Yeah, neither do I!

I urge you to take a sec and read this recent article from the Sacramento Bee - things that make you go hmmmmm! It's all about the Benjamins and our kids are collateral damage!

This is not law yet, we can do something about this; Oregon recently faced similar legislation and shot it down. Educate yourself, contact your legislators, talk to the media, tell your friends, call Governor Brown's office to ask him to veto, sign this petition, and most of all - pray!

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